After becoming a Certified Health Coach for MY benefit, I just couldn't hang on to this information and not share. Have I achieved my final goal? No. But, the amazing results and changes that I have seen and have achieved, cannot be hidden under a rock. Who better to teach the overweight than someone who has truly walked in their shoes, understands their struggles, and knows their level of frustration? Who better to encourage you along your journey than one who has needed the same encouragement? The knowledge I now have regarding how my body works, what it needs, and how I should treat it/feed it is what is making my goals achievable. Knowing the "why" behind weight loss and true health, is key to making change. Best of all, it is based in true science, and years of research. That said, I wasn't left with mere knowledge. I was also given the tools that I needed to implement my newfound knowledge. No, I'm not talking about expensive meal plans, specific supplements, a certain way to exercise, multi level marketing, etc. I'm talking about practical ways to implement the knowledge in ways that work for my personality, my stage of life, my busyness, etc. The great thing is, this same knowledge and these same tools can help any personality type, stage of life, skill level, or busyness of life. It's all about finding and implementing what works for YOU. There is no such thing as "one size fits all" person, or even "one size fits most". We are all unique! But the beauty of the knowledge gained and the tools available is that they cross over and apply to everyone.
Need a little extra help? Get the help you need, when you need it.